The Psychology of Colour in Branding: How to Use Colour to Attract Your Ideal Customer

When it comes to branding, choosing the right colours can have a significant impact on your customer’s perception of your business. Colour psychology delves into the impact that colours have on human behaviour, emotions, and perception., and it has been used by marketers and designers for decades to create effective branding strategies. In this article, we will explore the psychology of colour in branding and how to use colour to attract your ideal customer.

Understanding Colour Psychology

Colour psychology is the study of how colours affect human behaviour, emotions, and perception. Different colours can evoke different emotions and create different impressions, and it is important to choose the right colours for your branding to create the desired effect.

Here are some common colours and the emotions and perceptions they are associated with:

Red: passion, excitement, energy, danger, and urgency
Blue: trust, calmness, stability, loyalty, and professionalism
Green: nature, growth, balance, health, and relaxation
Yellow: optimism, happiness, creativity, and warmth
Orange: enthusiasm, fun, friendliness, and excitement
Purple: luxury, sophistication, creativity, and mystery
Black: power, elegance, formality, and authority
White: purity, simplicity, cleanliness, and peace

Of course, these associations are not universal and may vary depending on cultural and personal factors. White can have different connotations across cultures, such as representing mourning in some societies or symbolizing purity in others.

Using Colour to Attract Your Ideal Customer

Now that you understand the basics of colour psychology, how can you use colour to attract your ideal customer? Here are some tips:

Consider your brand personality

What kind of personality do you want your brand to convey? Is it playful and fun, or serious and professional? Different colours can help you communicate different personalities. For example, if you want to convey playfulness, you may choose bright and bold colours like orange or pink. If you want to convey professionalism, you may choose more subdued colours like navy or gray.

Know your audience

Who is your ideal customer? What kind of emotions and perceptions do they value? If your ideal customer is environmentally conscious, you may choose green to convey your commitment to sustainability. If your ideal customer is a luxury consumer, you may choose black or gold to convey elegance and sophistication.

Use colour to create contrast

Using contrasting colours can help your brand stand out and grab attention. For example, if your logo is predominantly blue, adding a pop of orange can create contrast and make your logo more memorable.

Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to branding. Make sure you use the same colours across all your branding materials, including your website, social media, and packaging. This will help your brand become more recognizable and memorable.

Test and iterate

Finally, don’t be afraid to test different colours and see how they affect your customers’ behaviour and perception. You can use A/B testing to compare different colour schemes and see which one resonates best with your target audience.


Colour psychology can be a powerful tool for creating effective branding strategies. By understanding the emotions and perceptions associated with different colours, you can choose the right colours to convey your brand personality and attract your ideal customer. Remember to be consistent, test and iterate, and always consider your audience when choosing your brand colours. With these tips, you can create a memorable and effective brand that resonates with your target audience.

Sarah Wilkinson
CEO/Creative Director
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